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Commercial Areas: Stadt Trossingen


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Commercial Areas


Commercial Areas in Trossingen

The town's main aspiration is to make room for innovative ideas and future-oriented businesses. Trossingen offers a very good choice of different commercial premises for companies willing to set up a new business.

Commercial Area "Grubäcker"

The commercial area Grubaecker offers sufficient space for small to medium sized businesses.
The Autobahn can be reached without having to cross the town.

Price: 49,00 €/m²

Commercial Area "Hirschweiden"

The commercial area Hirschweiden offers enough space for bigger businesses. The Autobahn is approx. 4 km away and can be reached without having to cross the town.

Price: 45,00 €/m²

Commercial Area "Rübenäcker"

The restircted commercial area Ruebenaecker in the district of Schura is the right place for smaller businesses. Housing constrution would be possible.

Price: 45,00 €/m²

Commercial Area "Neuen"

Neuen offers a lot of options for entrepreneurs. It can be divided up into lots of different sizes and, in addition, it is partly an industrial area. Neuen is an inter-municipal project of Trossingen and the municipality Durchhausen and it is situated at the L 429 between Schura and Durchhausen. An association was founded for planning, development and marketing.

Total area: 16 ha, cost: 50 €/m², transport connection: 2 km to the on-ramp of the autobahn

Price: 50,00 €/m²