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Surroundings: Stadt Trossingen


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Hier spiel die Musik
Hier spielt die Musik


Surroundings in Trossingen

Trossingen is located centrally between Germany's four best known holiday regions: in direct neighborhood to the Black Forest (driving time approx. 20 minutes by car), Lake Constance (driving time approx. 30 minutes by car), the Swabian Alb (driving time approx. 20 minutes by car) and the Danube Valley (driving time approx. 20 minutes by car).

Well-known attractions: the Danube spring, Lake Constance with the Isle of Mainau, the waterfall in Triberg in the Black Forest, the open-air museum in Neuhausen ob Eck, or the "Donaubergland" (the region around the Danube)